I've always loved this picture from a number of years ago. It's my granddaughter Lula "walking PawDre" my dog.
It's funny to me because PawDre probably weighed 5 times more than she did. Was quite a bit more powerful than her. He could've taken HER for a walk.
But PawDre was a gentle giant. That's the nature of a Newfoundland.
PawDre sensed a sincere and sweet little Lula that just loved him and wanted to go for a walk with him. And he just walked right along with her. He didn't yank her around, he just walked with her.
I think of our walks with our all-powerful God. God has the power to yank us around. But He made us and knows we are but dust. He is gracious and kind. His very name is LOVE.
He is there with us. He protects us. He is a Gentle Giant, I say in the most respectful way!
I love knowing there is so much power walking with me. I love this picture of power meeting fragile.
Because that's me with God. I am weak... He is strong. But we walk together so where I am weak...I am made strong.
This is true for each of us... Ya gotta love this! 😍
“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”