Photo taken of The Sea of Galilee - You can purchase upon request (not yet in gallery)
I often love to look up to the skies when I pray. Because whether it is daytime or nighttime, it so speaks of the glory and vastness and beauty of God and the work of His hands.
Our God is capable of so much. He is capable of any and everything.
When we pray today. Let's pray in a vast way. A big way.
Let's pray with God's hands in mind. Let's pray with an understanding that our God is a glorious God.
His beautiful hands have done more than words can really say...
...But the skies say it... And the scars on His hands say it.
These hands are mighty and loving. Let's pray with the hands of God in our minds today!
One last precious thought about the hands of God, Jesus said " one will snatch them out of my hand."
God's got YOU in HIS hands! No one or nothing can snatch you from these hands.
How simply beautiful is that!
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”