Flowers in Palm Springs California
Today is a great day for us to be cheerful givers. It's a perfect day for us to sow goodness, kindness, and love. It's a day to speak and think and act in love. It's a day to pray, casting all our cares on God because He cares for us.
It's a day to remember, for all the things we don't fully get or understand, or if we don't feel like sowing some more because we don't exactly know what the future holds It's a day for us to trust the ultimate Giver of Life with our lives!
We have motivation to sow in all things God has called us to sow, because the Bible says we will reap what we sow.
So let's sow bountifully. It will not go unpaid by our Father.
““Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.””