The Last Bookstore in downtown L.A.
A couple days ago, my daughter Christy led us on an adventure to "The Last Bookstore" in downtown L.A.. It was super interesting and there were tons and tons of books.
If I were to take out a page out of one of these books, then walk away with it, and read it and re-read it, I would be missing out on the full story and the actual purpose of that page.
I wonder how often we do that with the stories God is writing for our lives?
Do we sometimes focus on one page? Perhaps a page from the past. One that we have glorified or maybe one we regret. Maybe we are focusing on the present page that may seem a little monotonous, or maybe it feels a little tragic? It could be we are worried about a future page that hasn't even been written?
It is so important to keep the big perspective that God's got our story. And because He is creating it, it is going to be a good one.
“...Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith... Hebrews 12:2”
You might be saying "But Tambo, I've messed up my story because of the mistakes I have made! I've added some super dumb pages to my story." But God would say to you, "If you love me, I will turn even that around for the good and create something beautiful out of it."
Our stories will be worth reading in the end. Trust me. Enjoy the story being written by our Loving Amazing Father, Don't focus on just one page because that page in the big scheme of things will flow beautifully with the entire story being written. So walk with, and trust the writer of your story because he will write a much better one than if we tried to write it ourselves.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His pupose.”