Born 2-1-17-6lbs 15 oz- 21 inches tall. Creation at it's finest!
Okay. My heart is smitten.
I've got myself a new beautiful baby granddaughter. She is so precious and sweet. I'm already in love with her and I just met her a week and a half ago!
To watch MY daughter LOVE and be such a LOVING mother is beyond amazing to watch. The love Rel is experiencing from her Daddy Shea and Big Bro Ev is too cute and precious for words!
The way we are smitten with new Baby Rel pales in comparison to the LOVE GOD FEELS FOR US! He wants nothing but the best for us. Even as we want nothing but the best for our baby Rel.
That's a LOT OF LOVE. Thats something to treasure today. The knowledge and understanding that our GOD has EVEN GREATER love for us than we do for our new baby Rel.
We can be comforted and encouraged by this. Let's think about the concerns and worries we might have at this very moment. God's got this! He does! Bask in the love of God today and we will be at great peace and have a beautiful day!
Beautiful Baby Rel Emaline Parton!
Shhhhhh... my new baby sis is sleeping! - Big Bro Ev