Photo of The Garden of Gethsemane
"Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "sit here while I go over there and pray." -Matthew 26:36
One of my favorite things on the planet to do is pray.
If JESUS needed to pray, That's a very strong case that I would need to pray.
When I was younger it used to be a discipline, but now I can't imagine life without it and I seriously can't wait to pray. It's just been too good to me.
I love to first begin thanking God for his great faithfulness and I run through thanking Him for specific answered prayers. It's so good for me to reflect and thank Him because that actually builds my faith for the prayers I pray after that.
When I pray it takes a load off of my mind and heart because I've handed it over to Someone that can actually do something about my problems, concerns, and desires. I feel free when I've handed things over to Him.
Prayer is the best way to truly be "Free People."
There is nothing better than seeing answered prayer after answered prayer. And when the answer is "no"... all that means is God sees something I don't and does something even better as I look back!
Just let's not ever give up praying...
Because prayer is a Win-Win!