Order on Amazon
I ordered my oldest son's book on Amazon and read the entire book in less than an hour.
I will never forget sitting by his bedside the morning he woke up from this vision he shared in this book that just came out. It was real.
You can read my earlier post from August 30th for more on this. 😊
To try and say more about Peter's book, though, would mess it up so I'm just going to encourage you to get it and read it for yourselves!
My own thoughts for you for today, pray this prayer "...Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10) Let's ask our Father how we can bring some heaven to earth today... Heaven is a beautiful and fun dance party in the purest form. He WILL show us how to do that. He will empower us to do that!
“Our Savior is awaiting His bride to dance within the city walls.”