Skies from the viewpoint of Caesarea Philippi
"Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and you exalt Yourself as head over all." 1 Chronicles 29:11
Oh to think about the 1-Power 2-Glory 3-Victory 4-Majesty that our Beautiful Lord encompasses.
This may seem like a funny verse to pull from when thinking about the title of this post, regarding not seeing eye to eye with someone. But it somehow ties together in my head. I have always loved that the majesty of God ties into my life in the most practical of ways!
So here we go. 😊
Every one of us deal with the issue of not seeing eye to eye with someone.
What do we do in these situations?
Here's my suggestion... pause and think about these 4 truths about our God. Because what happens is, when we do this it takes us to a bigger place... it takes us to a panoramic view and when that happens, it makes meditating on an argument or disagreement we might have with someone seem really ridiculous!
In a nut shell, to take our minds to the greatness of God miniaturizes our differences one with another.
Because think about this...
Our Father is full of power. As we pray to Him and talk over our frustrations, He will often correct our thinking as we talk to Him...And as we ask Him for His power to overtake our problem...He always supplies what we need.
Our Father is full of glory. As we bask in His glory, we find it is far bigger than our glum.
Our Father is victory. We can realize we are fighting FROM victory not FOR victory. Not necessarily victory in our opinions, (because often times we are wrong in at least part of our viewpoints and perspectives), but victory in being who God has already called us to be, that being: loving and forgiving and teachable, that's along the lines I'm thinking. 😊
Our Father is majesty. When we think of just how majestic He is, it always will make us feel like murmuring about a disagreement is a waste of time and energy.
So bottom line, When we don't see eye to eye with someone ... It's not that we will get all the answers or figure things out right away, but our hearts will be in a place that is right and ready for the Lord to take us to the right place.
Instead of focusing on a disagreement, we can focus on the bigness of our God and let that take us to a higher mindset and a place of personal growth.
It's been said many times that" being right is overrated," which is so true... but on the other hand, being loving, forgiving, and teachable never is. And to focus on a much larger focal point, we will quickly move forward faster.
“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”